Davidoff Colorado Claro has been released every year since 2009. It’s truly another spectacular example of why this company is one of the world’s greatest cigar makers. To begin with, the company was founded in 1911 by Zino Davidoff. Since then, Davidoff has become one of top luxury brands in the world.
When the highly critical senior reviewer at Stogie Review raved, he couldn’t have said it better. “It’s probably one of the best cigars I’ve smoked in my entire life. Its hard to recall a cigar so artfully constructed, so well balanced and not to mention its ingenious and engaging complexity. I actually think you get more than what you pay for. I know its price tag is daunting and its easy to bypass it because of its price tag but I truly believe that this is one of those “once in a lifetime” cigars.” And Cigar Authority rated this amazing cigar at 95. What more do you need to know? The Colorado Claro will continue being enjoyed by countless smokers for years to come.
To sum up, the Davidoff Colorado Claro is available in five popular sizes of 10 count boxes . You can also grab a three, four or five pack depending on the selection.
Want to learn more about Davidoff Cigars, click HERE
Want to see more Davidoff Cigars available on The Cigar Thief, click HERE
richie –
I first tried Davidoffs Ecuadorian wrapped Colorado Claro back in 2015 in the short perfecto size. Being a fan of the all
dominican blend, I was curious to see what a different coat would produce. I was pleasantly surprised to experience a creamy mild to medium bodied cigar that remained smooth from start to finish. The flavors of buttered bread and natural tobacco taste with a hint of clove were a delight.